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IT Audit

Information is valuable when it is valid, available, secure and on time. We apply over 15 years of experience in the area of IT audit. We act in independence, having in mind that we are engaged by our clients, to be part of a control of management in order to protect our clients reputation, employees, customers and therefore their entire entity.

In A.G.Q.S, we believe that Availability, Confidentiality and Integrity cannot be reviewed by checking pre-written questioners.

Additionally we add Effectiveness, Efficiency, Compliance and Reliability in our assessment criteria. Therefore, significant experience in business analysis and risk assessment, must be utilized in order to produce reports of value, to our client's management executives. This is why we have accepted, we are certified and we work in accordance the COBIT framework since it was first introduced in 1996.

The COBIT 5 framework is currently the only tool that is able to assist an organization, no matter the size, to achieve value creation, by combining all relative internationally accepted frameworks. Having in mind that we aim to deliver this value to our clients, we offer services regarding :

IT Audit Outsourcing or Co-Sourcing, IT Assurance ISAE:3000, SAS 70, SOX testing, Regulatory Compliance Reviews, QAR

We specialize in IT audits on Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, Public Listed Groups, Shipping, Gas and Oil and Telecommunication Organizations. Our experts, are able to work with your Internal Audit, Compliance, or Risk Departments in order to perform audits, manage projects, or transfer knowledge and train your executives on specialized items.