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Fraud Investigation

Fraud examination and investigation provide the essentials for resolving fraud allegations from inception to deposition.

The proper procedures, techniques and skills must be used to conduct an effective fraud examination or investigation. We investigate unusual financial activity, perform electronic evidence discovery and review financial reports; all with the sensitivity and urgency you require.

Wherever corporate or financial fraud is suspected, regardless of jurisdiction, you may contact us, to investigate the circumstances surrounding questionable activity.

Our method of trends analysis and mixed team of experts, have extensive experience in conducting interviews to employees, in identifying out of the norm electronic activity, in locating lost information and in retrieval and analysis of critical documents and electronic data. Examples may include unauthorized wiring of funds, unexplained inventory loss, fraudulent vendor invoices, employee misconduct, product diversion, theft of product and inventory, mismanagement and theft of intellectual property.

Many of these frauds are not constrained by geographic boundaries and involve increasingly crafty cyber subterfuge, often requiring the global resources. We have the bandwidth and the expertise to undertake these fraud investigations whether at a headquarters office or across the globe in a distant distribution facility.